Where can I get rid of Hazardous Waste?
The City of Naperville has a waste disposal program. Please click on the link below for more information.
Can I schedule a tour of the fire station?
Yes, if your group would like a tour of the fire station, call 630-668-5323. A time can be scheduled for your group. If your family would like a tour, just stop in anytime and a firefighter will be happy to show you around.
Can I have the fire department come to a block party?
Yes, if your neighborhood is having a block party and would like the fire department at your event, call 630-668-5323. Please note that these will be on-duty companies and may arrive later than scheduled and may leave to answer emergency calls.
Does the fire department offer CPR classes to the public?
Yes, The Glenside Fire Protection District does offer CPR to the public. Questions or concerns can be directed to Instructor Lt. Mike Pacie 630-668-5323. We will Provide AED/CPR Training to businesses in our fire district also.
Does the fire department re-charge fire extinguishers?
No, there are many licensed fire extinguisher companies in the DuPage County area. Consult your phone book for the nearest fire extinguisher company near you.
What is the difference between a fire department and a fire protection district?
A fire department normally protects only areas within the boundaries of a village or city. A fire protection district protects areas of multiple villages and unincorporated areas. Fire protection districts are the most common delivery of fire services in the state of Illinois.
If my smoke detector goes off in the middle of the night, what should I do?
You should roll out of bed and crawl to the nearest exit and leave the building. Call 911 and notify the Fire Department that you may have a possible fire in your home. Firefighters will quickly respond and investigate the cause of the alarm. Today a home can burn down in less than 4 minutes; you may be unable to escape a burning home in less than one minute. Don’t take chances. Get out as quickly as you can and call 911 from a neighbor’s home. Never return back into your house for pets or other personal valuables.
Do I need to have a smoke detector and what kind should I get?
Both State Law and City Ordinance require that all places where a person sleeps at night must be protected by a smoke detector. Smoke detectors are inexpensive and can be installed easily. They are available at most department, drug, or hardware stores. For more information about smoke detectors, call the Glenside Fire Protection District at 630-668-5323.
Why does the fire department break windows or cut holes in the roof during a fire, it seems that they cause more damage?
As a fire burns, it moves upward then outward. Breaking the windows and/or cutting holes in the roof acts like a chimney and allows fresh air to fill the building. This action alone can save a tremendous amount of property. It cuts down on the smoke damage and makes conditions more favorable for firefighters to enter the building.
Why does the Fire Department tear open walls, when it seems there is no fire in the room?
Fire can travel up, inside the walls undetected for quite a long time. Firefighters tear open walls that could have hidden fires. Fires that are left undetected can re-ignite several hours later and cause extensive damage.
How do I get a copy of a fire report?
The fire report is a public document and can be obtained by anyone. Reports are available through the Glenside Fire Protection District, which is located at 1608 Bloomingdale Road, Glendale Heights, IL 60139. You will need to know the date and time of the fire and the correct address where the incident occurred. For more information about fire reports, please call 630-688-5323, Monday thru Friday 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. See also FOIA/Records Request topic for a request form.
How can I have a firefighter visit my civic group or show us a fire engine?
The Glenside Fire Station is open to the public. We are most pleased to show you our fire station. If you would like for a firefighter to talk to your civic group, church group, business organization, show the fire engine at a special function, teach you or your group how to use a fire extinguisher, or learn about other fire safety programs please call 630-668-5323, Monday thru Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
If my insurance company asks me how far I live from a fire station, or where the closest fire hydrant is, what should I tell them?
Advise them the Glenside Fire District has an ISO Rating of Class 2. This tells them all they need to know. Most insurance companies use the ISO grade to set your insurance premium.
Does the Glenside Fire Protection District solicit for donation? Does the fire district contract with someone to represent the Glenside Fire Protection District for the purpose of solicitation of donations?
NO. The Glenside Fire District does not use any fund-raising service, telemarketing firm, or mass-mailing service to solicit donations, but we continue to accept unsolicited donations. The District occasionally seeks support for targeted projects from service organizations and corporate sponsors.
The Du Page Professional Firefighters Association or the Glenside Firefighters Union Local 3277 of the International Association of Firefighters has solicited me for donations. Do those funds directly benefit the Glenside Fire Protection District?
No. Both of these legitimate organizations solicit funds to aid in lobbying efforts to improve laws in collective bargaining, improve firefighter benefits, improve pension laws, perform firefighter safety research, as well as assists the Union in contracts and other issues. While it is your decision to help these efforts, the Glenside Fire District does not directly benefit from your donation.
What are some indications that the solicitation may not be legitimate?
Any organization that claims that your donation will buy fire engines or rescue equipment for the Fire District should be a “red flag” that it is not legitimate. We have no relationship or contract with any mass-mailing or telemarketing group for this purpose.
If any solicitor offers to come to your house to pick up your donation, this should be a “red flag” that it is not a legitimate solicitation. Many scam artists avoid the Federal Mail Fraud laws by sending a courier. If the US Postal Service was used to perpetrate a fraud, it is automatically a Federal Crime that bears higher penalties.
What do I do if I am uncomfortable with a solicitation?
The State’s Attorney’s Office investigates telemarketing fraud. If you feel you have become a victim of fraud, contact the Illinois Attorney General. Many “scam-artists” use a false representation such as a fire or police benevolent organization. There have been many successful prosecutions of these scams. You can also hang up, say “no thanks”, don’t mail the donation, or call us if you are not sure about the donation.
Why am I receiving a bill for ambulance services? I have never received one in the past.
If you are a resident of the Fire District, you should complete the paperwork you received by providing your insurance information and mailing it back to the senders address. You should not have any out of pocket costs associated with the services you received. If you are NOT a resident of the Fire District, you should provide your insurance information and mail it back to the senders address. Any amount your insurance does not cover, you are responsible for paying directly. All questions regarding your bill should be directed to Paramedic Billing Services (on behalf of the Glenside Fire Protection District) who can be reached at (630) 530-2988.
For more information, or if you would like to become a donor for a special project:
Rich Cassady
Fire Chief
Glenside Fire District
1608 Bloomingdale Rd.
Glendale Heights, IL 60139
(630) 668-5323