Sharps Disposal Program

The Glenside Fire Protection District Sharps Disposal Program is made possible by funds received through a safety grant courtesy of the Glenside Fire District and with the Glenside resident tax dollars. The program was established initially through the Glenside Fire Protection District along with the partnership of a grant through SCARCE (School and Community Assistance for Recycling & Composting Education)

Our goal is to provide a disposal option for self-injectors and thereby preventing the sharps from entering the household waste stream.

Sharps Containers
Sharps Needles

Program Purpose

The purpose of the sharps disposal program is to provide education and assistance to residents in the disposal of needles or “Sharps” in efforts to support the waste, recycling and green initiatives in Du Page County.

Sharps are objects or devices that have been used in patient care, medical, research or industrial laboratories. Sharps can be glass, metal or plastic with rigid corners, sharp; edges or protruding pieces that can slice, scrape or pierce the skin. For the purpose of this program, we are referring to needles specifically.

Used needles should NOT be thrown in the garbage. Be sure you get rid of your used needles the safe way to avoid exposing other people to harm. Improper disposal of home-generated medical waste poses a potential health hazard to many, including family members, sanitation workers, people in the community, hotel housekeeping, staff and school personnel. Although rare, diseases as serious as Hepatitis B & C and AIDS can result from accidental needle sticks.

The improper disposal of contaminated sharps is a serious safety concern for garbage collectors and landfill workers. We are offering these disposal tips as guidance, but please check with your doctor, clinic or hospital to see about a needle or “sharps” disposal that they may offer as well at their office.

Supervised Drop Box Collection Program

The supervised container collection site program is designed to allow residents of the Glenside Fire Protection District to drop off their sharps container during business hours of the Glenside Fire District.  The Glenside Fire District  earned their Earth Flag from SCARCE through the implementation of this project’s effort.

Sharps users can take their filled sharps container to the Glenside Fire Protection District for drop-off. This program will assist to ensure that  self-injectors have the option to use approved Sharps containers to collect sharps, but prevent the sharps from entering into the household waste stream. The program was designed to provide an environmentally conscious disposal for sharps.

Please follow these instructions for Safe Disposal of Needles:

  1. Use a puncture-proof sharps container which can be purchased at pharmacies. Alternatively hard plastic household containers (typically recycling code 2), which should be unbreakable and puncture resistant are acceptable and the best to use, may be used. We recommend a laundry detergent bottle. No milk jugs or metal coffee cans.
  2. Sharps should be placed in the sharps container immediately after use.
  3. Put sharps in point-first.
  4. Store sharps in closed container with the cap screwed on until disposal.
  5. Containers more than half-full should be disposed of. Do not cram them full.
  6. Clearly label container “SHARPS, DO NOT RECYCLE”with a bold marker.

    When the container is half full, tape lid on securely with duct tape and bring to the fire station.

What You Need To Know

  • Sharps must be brought to the fire station in approved containers
  • Sharps containers will only be accepted during business hours of the fire district  Monday through Friday, 8AM – 4:30 PM
  • There is no fee for residents of the Glenside Fire District
  • There is a cash disposal donations request per container for non-residents; the donations received ensure that the program will be able to assist anyone in need.
  • We will not accept sharps waste from local businesses or offices. You should contact a sharps disposal company to receive a free quote.

When your sharps container is full, simply secure the seal, and bring your bin to the fire station. When you arrive, enter through the main door off of Fullerton Ave. Inform the desk that you need to dispose of a sharps container. You will be asked to place your container into a medical red waste bag which will then be placed in the collection bin for disposal.  

Sharps Disposal Internet Links

This program was started in cooperation with SCARCE and its purpose is to provide education and assistance to residents in the disposal of needles or “Sharps” in an effort to support the waste, recycling and green initiatives in DuPage County. If you have questions about the program please contact the fire station or email